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At GDC Services Ltd, we understand the importance of a solid foundation for any new construction project. That’s why we offer comprehensive new build services up to DPC level to ensure that your property is built to last.

Our new build services include:

  • Design and planning of new builds
  • Excavation and preparation of the site
  • Installation of footings and foundations
  • Installation of damp proof courses (DPC) to prevent rising damp
  • Installation of drainage systems to prevent water infiltration
  • Construction of ground floor and walls up to DPC level

Our team of experts has the equipment and experience necessary to handle any size new build project, from small residential properties to large commercial sites. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our services to meet those needs.

We take pride in our commitment to safety and the environment and all our team is fully trained and equipped to carry out any hazardous materials safely.

With GDC Services Ltd, you can rest assured that your new build will be constructed efficiently, safely, and to the highest standards up to DPC level. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you with your next project.